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Your viewing and/or downloading of this material is for private use only, and will not be distributed to individuals for whom viewing such material is illegal nor to representatives of License or Copyright/Trademark holders for the purpose or possible consequence of legal action against the artist , bovinian.com or its hosts , nor shall you yourself derive any monetary gain from downloading or possessing the files you may obtain from this site. All characters represented are intended to be 18 years or older, regardless of what the source material may state or imply. By clicking the ADULT GALLERY link below, you are agreeing to the above Terms and certifying that you are 18 years of age or older, and that you are familiar with all local laws in your area which affect your legal rights to access adult-oriented materials. ADULT GALLERYPlease link to THIS PAGE or www.bovinian.com if you choose to distribute the URL.~Main Gallery~ |
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